Sunday, September 30, 2012

a Letter :)

When I got back to Provo from my fun weekend, this letter was waiting for me.

I cried a little when I read it.  I really love my dad, and I miss him while I'm here at school.  This letter really means a lot to me.  

Homecoming in Cokeville

I got to go home Thursday night with my dear friends Ashbee and Celinda.  We headed home to be there for the morning festivities of Cokeville's Homecoming!  I love Homecoming in Cokeville and hope that I don't have to miss too many in my lifetime.  This year Ashbee, Celinda, and I were judges for the floats at the parade.  One class caught wind that we were the judges and bombarded us with candy.  It was awesome!  

The football game was fun, and it was just nice to be outside.  The boys all did great!  Here's me with the most awesome little sister ever!

Then we had the volleyball game and then the dance.  Those girls are pretty dang skilled at getting ready super fast in time for the dance.  

Violet did Tessa's make-up and I did her hair.  I loved doing it!  She looked gorgeous!  I don't know what I'm going to do when Tess is all done with dances.  Who will let me do their hair?!  Here's Tess with the date, Tom Tonga.  So fun!  I totally want her dress...

Homecoming weekend sure didn't disappoint. We stayed up late every night. Wackee Six was the best!  Family+Cokeville=Recipe for a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Back like Freshman year or 8th grade year Violet was back home in the winter and we shared a room.  Every morning we would listen to her Carole King CD.  I loved this song, and it made me decide to be happier and also made me realize that I was the only one that could change me.  So the change began, and it's still an ongoing thing. But, I re-found the song the other day and I was so excited! Enjoy!  

I think I'll start listening to it again every morning for a good pep-talk :) 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Calling all males!!

This is exactly what I think every time I see a guy in skinny jeans...

Is it too much to ask a guy to dress like a man? 

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I'm in this awesome art class, Art for the Elementary Classroom.  This is my latest homework assignment...

...braid someone's hair. 

Brooke was my lovely volunteer.  This is my favorite class, and not just because the homework is so chill.  I never thought an art class would be my favorite, but it is true. I Love it :)

Friday, September 21, 2012


Thursday is one of my favorite days.  I get to go to the temple with this fun friend. Isn't she gorgeous?!

And then we go out for lunch.  This week was Zupas.  Delish!

I'm so glad she's here at BYU!  It's so fun to have a hometown friend around, and even though we don't live together we see each other almost everyday.  Thanks for being a great friend Ashbee! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Little Pieces of Mom...on campus :)

So, it's no secret: I miss my mom when I'm at school.  I've always been a big momma's girl, and it didn't really change when I moved out.  I think about her a lot, and there are a couple of things that I see on campus EVERY day that remind me of her, and make me smile.  First, the flowers.

These are my mom's favorite, Black-eyed Susan's.  There are 4 giant beds of them outside the Library, and I see them everyday.  I'm going to be sad when they freeze and die.

Next is this birdhouse.  

My mom loves birdhouses and bird feeders, and just birds in general.  This birdhouse deluxe is in my housing complex so I'll see it everyday, even in the winter, and when I do, I'll smile.  

I also talk to her on the phone.  Every day.  I'm lucky.  Thanks for listening Mom!  I love you!

Monday, September 17, 2012


So I love the fall.  I don't have a favorite season, pretty much whichever one I'm in is my favorite.  But how can it not be when you get to see the beautiful colors.  

I love Y-mountain.  I just think it's cool, especially with the fall colors mixed in.  I went on top of a building to take this panorama.  It was pretty awesome!  Happy Fall everybody :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mr. Maeser

This is good ol' Mr. Maeser.  Why is he saran wrapped you may ask?  

It's because the mighty Cougars play the Utes this Saturday.  I really want us to win :)  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Remember

I couldn't go to sleep without posting about this sacred day.  I don't remember a lot about 3rd grade, but I do remember September 11th.  
I went to school with my dad that morning at 8:00.  School didn't start until later, and I remember walking into the library and everyone was gathered around a TV.  I remember watching the plane hit the first building, and then the second.  I was just so amazed and sad that those planes crashed.  I thought it was so sad that the pilots lost control.  
We went on with our school day, I don't remember much.  Then we were in the computer lab doing Speedway Math, and my mom came to get me to go to the dentist office.  When we were walking out I remember asking her if she heard about those planes crashing into those towers.  She explained to me that the planes were crashed into the towers on purpose.  I was so confused.  She told me that even though we love America, not everyone does, and people that don't like our country crashed the planes to kill Americans.  Then my mom started to cry, and she told me to think of all of those kids that had one or both of their parents working in those towers.  Those kids weren't going to get to go home to their parents tonight. Their lives were going to be changed forever.
I think that was the first experience I really had that made me realize that I love America.  That is still so true!  I love America so much, and I am so proud to be an American.  I remember at the start of our Jr. year Mr. Thomas, my history teacher, said his goal was to make us all become patriots.  He definitely succeeded with me. I already loved America, but I grew to love it so much more by learning about our history.  Then I had the opportunity to go to our nation's capital and I was so inspired by all of the hard work and sacrifices that were made to make our country free.  I now have multiple cousins in the army.  I am so proud of them, and so thankful to them for their service.  This summer I got to stay at a friend's home and she was getting ready to send her husband over seas.  I felt so much gratitude to them and all of those who sacrifice for our country.  I noticed a copy of the Declaration of Independence was hanging on her wall, and I thought it was such a neat thing, and I'm going to have one in my home someday.  
Walking on campus today I couldn't help but stop and take a picture of the flag at half mass.  I just hope everyone remembers this day, and how it changed America.  I will always remember how the events of 9/11 changed me.  


Sunday, September 9, 2012

One of my faves...

I read this quote last year out of Elaine S. Dalton's book, A Return to Virtue. (I definitely recommend this book to everyone, boys and girls.) 

“Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so, who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

This quote makes me feel so good.  I also know that it's true.  Our Heavenly Father knows us and loves us.  He is aware of us, and wants us to do our best and be happy.  We can be happy by making good decisions.  It makes me feel good to know that, no matter how pretty I am on the outside, I can grow more beautiful on the inside by striving to do these things.  Then, hopefully that inner beauty will show through my actions.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Today...Was Awesome!

So, this morning I got this awesome shirt.  Being a part of BYUSA has it's perks :)

Also, I finally wore my cheetah belt.  To an art exhibit opening. (You're all shocked/impressed, I know)  It was pretty good, and I felt kinda stylish :) 

Then I went to a concert. It was on the top level of a parking garage, and was awesome!  So much fun!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm gonna be a teacher :)

This is a great thing....

See all those green checks?  That means I have finished my Elementary Education application!  I will be starting the program Winter semester 2013!

Then, sometime in the future I'll be teaching kids like this...probably not dance moves, but fun kids nonetheless.  My life just keeps getting better :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Date

Sunday night we were talking, and I told my dad I'd never been to Lake Alice.  So, we woke up early this lovely Labor Day morning and headed to the lake. 

You're never too old for an outing with dear ol' Dad. Thanks Dad!

What a gorgeous lake!  The water was so clear!  I was so amazed at how fast it gets deep.  Five steps and I'd be in over my head.  It was a beautiful drive and a fun hike.  We left at 6:45 and were back by 11:00.  What a great way to spend the morning.  Now to go on horses...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New blogger!

I always said that once I get a new computer I'm going to start a blog.  Well, I got a new computer (which I love!) about a month ago, and I'm just now starting a blog.  In the last few weeks a blog title came to my mind and multiple post ideas, so I figured what better time than now to get started?  This isn't going to be a journal, but more like random thoughts and fun that happen in the life of a college student.  I hope you enjoy :)