Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Randomness of Monday

Monday was a long day at work, but probably one of the best days of work all summer!  Here are some of the random photos that we took that day. 

First, this Gigantic bird nest was on our lawn.  We thought and talked about how long it would take a bird to build something that huge and how smart they must be and how sad they must have been when their home fell to the ground.  

Second, the Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile!!  I sprinted to get a good shot of this, and it still isn't that great, so look hard!! haha  We took a trip down memory lane to when we were awesome and in 4th grade and our class made up a dance to the Oscar Meyer song and won our music program $10,000.  We also got a tour of the bus that day, and took a picture with the mobile.  Yea, we were pretty awesome :)

Lastly, Holly should be a professional iPhone photographer, because she snapped this gorgeous shot!  It's not even edited!  The views from the cemetery can be quite beautiful.  I mean, if this doesn't make you want to live in the country, I don't know what will?!  The only sad part is that this storm didn't even bring our valley any rain...

As you can see, the cemetery is an eventful place to be. We rarely snap pictures, so it's kind of monumental that we snapped 3 in one day.  So, there's a little taste of our day :)   

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