When I came to school here my freshman year I was pretty certain that I was going to be an Elementary Education major. I went to all of the meetings and declared it my major. One meeting at the end of my freshman year they told us that the department offered a study abroad program in New Zealand your last semester of practicum, or the semester right before you student teach. I was sold!
So, since then I have been saving my money, dreaming, and, conveniently enough, staying single :) (you can't go on this study abroad married). As my dream was getting closer, I was getting more and more excited! I was so excited to go to New Zealand and experience a different culture, see how their school system works, and just have an adventure! Then on Monday I got an email telling me that the study abroad for 2015 is cancelled. I was devastated. (I still kind of am…) I cried a couple of tears while I read the message on my way from the JFSB to the Library.
I was pretty bummed and for a moment I even considered changing my major to Spanish?! I told Tessa and my roommates when I saw them. I couldn't get the courage up to call my mom and tell her though, cause I knew I would cry again. It's just kinda hard when your dreams get crushed, ya know? Then I went up to the ski hill and taught 5 kids grades 2nd-4th how to ski and everything was right again in the world. I just love those kids and I decided I really do want to be an elementary education major! It's okay if I can't go to New Zealand, that wasn't the reason I chose this major in the first place.
Tuesday I finally mustered the courage to call my mom. I still cried. She helped me out though, and since then I've thought of a bunch of really great things I can do with a semester abroad that involve using/learning Spanish. Really, the possibilities are endless and I haven't had time to look at all of them, but rest assured, I'll be doing something fun next fall :)
I guess it was about time I received this little bump in my charmed life. Looking back at it a couple of days later I know that it's going to be a blessing. Everything is going to work out, and it'll probably be even better! So, even though this post is kinda depressing, don't feel bummed for me. (It's just so I don't have to re-tell this story every time someone asks me when I'm going to New Zealand) So, even though dreams don't always come true, sometimes they change, and sometimes the change is even better!