Friday, October 19, 2012

Adaptive Aquatics

Adaptive Aquatics is a program where special needs kids come to the pool and gym here at BYU and students play with them for 45 minutes.  Here's a video explaining it a little more:

I have been wanting to go down to Adaptive Aquatics all year, but stuff keeps coming up.  Today I finally went!  I was in the pool, and I was with one little boy.  He was probably about 6, but he couldn't talk.  He was so sweet though!  When we first got in the pool he did not want to let go of me, but by the end he was jumping off the edge (into my arms).  He even got brave enough to stick his face under the water!  It was so exciting for me to see him gain confidence.  I honestly can't describe in words the feeling I had while playing with this boy.  There is something special about these kids.  Fridays at noon in the pool are definitely going to become a priority!  Have a great weekend :)


  1. Why wasn't I cool like you when I was in college? Sometimes I wish I could have a do-over, and grow up to be like you!

  2. Livi, you are my hero. I just got a little teary-eyed when i read this. You have such a big heart and you are just so perfectly...YOU. Thanks for being so amazing. Love ya!!
