Thursday, November 1, 2012

Can it be?!

Can it already be November?!  It seems like yesterday I was saying, "Can it already be October?!"  Time is flying by.  I actually have a love-hate relationship with time.

I can't wait for the next exams to be over.  I can't wait for the next homework assignment to be done.  I can't wait for Thanksgiving.  I can't wait for Taffy and her family to come to Provo.  I can't wait til my mom comes down again.  I can't wait for a lot of things...

But at the same time, I don't want the month to fly by.  I don't want some of my classes to end.  I don't want experiences to go by too fast.  I don't want all the pretty leaves to fall off the trees.  I don't want the fun moments to pass too quickly.  I don't want to get older.  There's lots of things that make me not want the time to fly by...

So, this month I'm really going to "Live For Today"

My mom bought me this poster when she was down here last week, and I posted it right above my bed.  I LOVE it!  It's like my goal of life!  It's perfect, and this month I'm going to make a special effort to make it a habit!  Hopefully the time won't pass too quickly or too slowly, and that I'll be able to make the most of everyday. 

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