Saturday, February 13, 2016

The New Normal

I've been here about a month now, but it's crazy to me how quickly everything that was so new and shocking to me when I arrived has become so normal.  Today I decided to look through some pictures to try and find things that used to shock me.  That's right, I actually had to look for them?!  I think it's a good sign.  

Trips to the ocean literally take 3 minutes by scooter or 15 minutes walking. (This particular beach was actually about 30 minutes by scooter, but we live close, none the less!)

This is what construction looks like.  You couldn't pay me to climb up there and work! 

Roosters and chickens are constantly crowing.  I'm reminded of that every time I FaceTime anybody back home.  I've totally gotten used to them.  I guess it's kind of like living in Cokeville and never noticing the trains.  

Petty cabs don't look weird anymore. 

Cruising through the Philippines on a scooter with a passenger or two is now a regular occurrence! 

There are no stop signs, yet traffic moves pretty smoothly!  I figure about 50% of the vehicles on the road are motorcycles/scooters, 35% petty cabs, and 15% regular vehicles.  

Seeing a family of 5 on a motorcycle is not uncommon!

Anyone anywhere can cook and sell food, and it's some of the best! 

Exercising along the ocean is a daily thing.  

Trees near the ocean have this cool moss stuff growing on them.  

Grass is very rare.  There are mostly just dirt areas where I normally would expect grass to be.  

This makes the perfect "box" for step ups, box jumps, etc.  

Sharing a room with 4 other girls is actually not a bad deal! 

This is what cows look like here.  No wonder they don't prefer beef?!

Everyone smiles, waves, and says hi to me where ever I go!  It must have something to do with this exotic blonde hair?! 

 You smell fresh, warm bread everywhere! For 2 pesos (about 4 cents) you can buy yourself a delicious roll at a Bread Camp or some other bakery :)

The neighborhood volleyball courts come alive at 3:00 pm when all the petty cab drivers in the area meet to play.  The winning team gets 30 pesos.  

So, there ya have it!  Just a glimpse at my new normal :)


  1. LOVE it!! How fun. I love that you get to exercise near the beach every day. Love you!

  2. Thanks for all the fun posts that give us a good glimpse into your adventures!!!!! I love them! Keep them coming! Love Ya, Kiddo
