Sunday, December 2, 2012


I had a visit from Tami yesterday!  I was so excited to see her!  We only got to chill for a few hours, but it was great fun!  It was just what I needed to help me push through this last week and a half.  It was kind of a surprise because I just knew about it the night before.  We didn't really do anything too big, we just went shopping for a piano, which she decided on one!  It's perfect!  She also got to see my house, so that was fun.  I love showing it off!  So, if you're in the area, give me a call, cause I only get to live in it until April...  

The time with Tami was so fun, not because of the things we did, but just because I love being with her!  My junior and senior years of high school she came to Cokeville quite a bit.  If I didn't see Tami at least every other week, something was wrong!  Her, Tess, and I have had MANY late nights out in the living room or kitchen talking and laughing.  She always had some good advice for us.  Plus, she's pretty fun to tease :)  She's such a great example to me and I look up to her so much!  So, it was fun to just be able to talk for a couple of hours as we shopped around.  She's such a great example to me and I look up to her so much!  Thanks for coming down Tam!!

Now I can't wait for more late night chats over Christmas with ALL of my siblings :)  It's going to be so great!  


  1. i want to come see your house! oh, wait. i sleep in the bed next to yours. heh heh.

  2. I can't wait for those late-night chats, either! Glad you had a great day with Tami! I had one too, the day before, and I'm still paying for the lack of sleep.
