Friday, October 12, 2012

Voting and a Poster

I mailed in my absentee ballot!  I'm pretty excited that I got to vote this year.  It's such an awesome right that we have, and I hope all of you take advantage of it.  If you're from Wyoming, and you need an absentee ballot, here's the number:  307-877-9056 and the extension is 2020.  Call as soon as possible to make sure you get it in on time.  If your not from Wyoming, look up the number, and vote!!  They also gave me this sweet sticker, and I really should have worn it on my shirt all day.

I finished my art project about an hour ago.  Last night I was sweating bullets trying to find a paper slicer so that the poster wouldn't look like it was made by a 2nd grader.  I never did get my hands on one, so my dear cousin Celinda was nice enough to lend me her van so I could go up to Joann's and get this bad boy.  

I figured I'll use it a lot in the next few years.  I almost died handing over the $20 though...  Anyways, here is the finished project.  Well almost finished...I still have to get it laminated.

Once I got the slicer, it was complete joy doing this project!  I loved it!  I just cut paper, laid it out, and glued it on all while blasting some country tunes.  Best college project I've ever been assigned, that's for sure!  Maybe someday this will be hanging in a classroom :)

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