Thursday, October 18, 2012

Laundry and Skinny Jeans

This, my friends, is what a dang full laundry basket looks like:

I haven't done my laundry in 4 weeks, and I have one pair of underwear left.  I have lots of shirts left, but no jeans left either.  My dad calls the amount of clothes I have sad, but I choose to call it blessed :)  Today laundry cost me $8.50 for 4 loads.  That's kinda a lot of money.  So, I want to make sure I FILL those machines, and fill I did!  So this morning, because I have no jeans left, I decided I'd wear my skinny jeans with my boots.  In a rush I pulled my jeans on, went for my boots, and they weren't there!!  I had a little freak out moment, then I remembered I hadn't brought them from home yet because I wasn't supposed to need them yet. Well I was wrong, and I was going to be late for work. So, I grabbed a pair of flats and headed out the door.  

(I took this picture when I got back)

So, I wore skinny jeans for the first time today, and I felt kinda awkward.  They're just not me yet.  But, I have decided that my next pair of pants just might be straight leg.  I might be able to go that far :)  I mean I like skinny jeans on most girls, I just don't feel like they're good on me.  I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm not very good with change...


  1. skinny jeans look really cute on you. that's the truth. do not fear the skinny.

  2. Olivia, you look absolutely adorable!! Rock the skinnies...they're totally cute. Oh, and yes, you are BLESSED in the clothing region. The fact that you can afford to leave clothes at home AND have an entire entourage at school definitely means you are "blessed." Just buy more underwear ;-)

  3. Um... Livi... you actually look super hott in those skinny pants! I didn't think that I would ever like them, but you look like a million bucks in that picture, not that you don't in others... I mean you normally look like you could tackle the National Deficit of $16trillion with your good looks, but really you look good! :)
